At The Help Undiagnosed Children Foundation
We Envision A World Where Sick Children and Medical Technology Co-Exist More Equitably

HUCF helps make genetic testing possible for those in the greatest need.
We see a world where children who become sick and cannot be easily diagnosed because they may have a rare disease and limited or no family medical insurance or resources, may be able to receive the leading-edge genetic testing they so urgently need – at a reduced cost, or no cost – depending on the specific genetic test. With the genetic testing results they are able to receive the correct medical diagnoses they deserve. In turn, they can receive the correct medical care and have the best chance at a healthier, longer, more fulfilling, and happier life for themselves and their families.
Our Mission
To help undiagnosed children in medical and financial need to receive the required genetic testing at a reduced cost or no cost to obtain the correct medical diagnosis and proper medical treatment they deserve in order to lead their best lives.